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Male. Lives in Near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. Born on December 2, 1985. Is married.
About Me
Psychedelic enthusiast, looking to learn from other's and make new friends with similar interests

Status Update

New here, bought a cartridge in DC and have used it many times. Broke through to the circus about 4 times, recently the clowns stepped all over me and were very mad at me. I haven't been allowed back,... View More
3 people like this.
I remember them burrowing through my chakras and when they reached my heart chakra there was like a heavy steel door they kept tugging at that wouldn't open. That's when they said I was blocked. I have a really good idea of what the problem is, and I never took action. Recently I was forced into an ... View More
Like May 31, 2024
Growth pains are never easy to deal with. And the more growth that will result from your choices will probably have a lot of pain to deal with through the process. But you knowing what the problem is, is over half the battle. ! Your "problem" is only a strength in disguise. (I know that sounds so c... View More
Like May 31, 2024
Hey get at ne if you want to try the third eye
Like June 21, 2024
I'm in
Like June 21, 2024