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Male. Lives in Germany. Born on June 22, 1997. Is in a relationship.
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Status Update

I have a problem with porn and this is destroying my relationship.
First time talking about this.
I also have a problem with loving myself
Everytime when i am alone i feel a really strong hate against m... View More

4 people like this.
I feel you brother. I've struggled with the same thing. For me it stems from a deep loneliness. Porn is the junk food of love. It's never going to nourish you and you need more and more of it to feel full, all as it's doing more and more damage. If you concentrate on healthy nourishing food (and lov... View More
Like September 19, 2020
Thanks for your honest words friend The biggest fear for me was being rejected. Now that i’ve talked about it with you guys and my girlfriend i feel alot better. The mushrooms told me to be more thsnkfull for every moment a loved person spend with me. Saying the words thank you are a powerfull phras... View More
Like September 19, 2020
You’re awesome for wanting to grow beyond your issues. Respect. 1f642.png
Like September 19, 2020
Brother I feel you!
Like September 19, 2020