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Male. Lives in Germany. Born on June 22, 1997. Is in a relationship.
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Here are some pics from the most epic road trip in my life so far
We drove 6000km from germany-belgium-france-spain and back again we only took roads directly by the sea
On this trip i realized that i... View More

24 people like this.
That fish looks delish
Like August 14, 2020
Fresh catch from the atlantic
Like August 14, 2020
Ash Zen
Hey im from belgium/france, how was ur trip here? Absolutely boring i guess 1f642.png i want to lead a vanlife 365/365 one day , amazing , my neighbour girl done the same! And she came back home with a hippie, now they are gone in the south of france they bought a cheap piece of land of 400square m... View More
Like August 14, 2020 Edited
Thats great keep spreading the love
Like August 22, 2020
So Akira asked for a bigger picture of my FC
But i cant tag people on my post so can anybody please tag Akira in the comments? Thanks in advance
Mush love
12 people like this.
No i dialed in the perfect room temp no need for a humidifier After full colonization it takes about 5 days to see the first few pins
Like August 11, 2020
Nice setup! do the orbeez have a function in the tub?
Like August 11, 2020
Kappa the same function as perlite but i can reuse it
Like August 11, 2020
Cody moore
Think im gonna try orbeez next
Like August 27, 2020
Check out my alien dick pinset
18 people like this.
Thanks uncle These are PEU genetics that somehow went albino/leuc So my substrate is 70% coco coir 20% straw and 10% verm Mix 1/1 with spawn and thats it
Like August 10, 2020
Field capacity is key i dont open my tubs till they start pinning
Like August 10, 2020
This was my last tub with rye i am now working with popcorn for truffles and shrooms
Like August 10, 2020
it looks like the surface of a planet inhabited by sentient mushrooms!
Like August 27, 2020
So this is my GT tub hoping for a nice canopy
Mush luv
10 people like this.
Ris-amorph81 same here my pst prows gave me awful yields but i think i have every thing dialed in now
Like July 30, 2020
Did my first popcorn run 2 days ago with some galindoi First few grows were just plain rye no coffee no gypsum
Like July 30, 2020
Schweinbaermann sprichst du deutsch wegen deinem namen? 1f600.png
Like July 31, 2020
So worked 3 month on a peu culuture and after 4 transfers i might found some leuc peu
Correkt me if i am wrong but i think they are supposed to be more brownish
19 people like this.
Look like albinos.
Like September 2, 2020
Alfred-proofrock they dropped dark purple spores so i think they are leucistic
Like September 3, 2020
Username101 yes all dropped purple spores
Like September 5, 2020
I have some mush pics on my proflie You can check them out Maybe you have to add me idk
Like September 5, 2020
Nice heavy blue <3>
12 people like this.
Didnt had a better knife in my camper
Like July 20, 2020
Fresh meat!
Like July 20, 2020
Yumyum juice
Like July 20, 2020
Hey folks
I have a quick question in which tek i should use for magic truffles
Got my LC today and i am thinking of simple rye bags
2 people like this.
Farah I cook them myself Just the same tek as for cubes?
Like July 6, 2020
Thanks alot farah I will try thet and kep you informed Greetings from germany x3
Like July 6, 2020
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