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The Writers Torment
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LSA cultivation/extraction
539 Members

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Domagoj Šmidt
Sooo, I have been thinking. Since mushrooms can get toxic if they grow from a supstrate contaminated with mould, could it be possible to "infuse" the shrooms by using hbwr seeds as a supstrate (grain ... View More
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I read once that if you have mushrooms growing in the dirt around plants with high DMT concentrations, the Psilocin levels increase. Have yet to test and never thought or your idea. Very interesting! Will totally try this soon.
Like August 26, 2019
I heard hamilton morris talk on joe rogans pod cast about mushrooms uptaking synthetic drugs creating a kind of hybrid mushroom but i have no idea if this is true of feasible if using dmt you would probably need a maoi as well for this to work
Like August 27, 2019