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Born on June 10, 1999.
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All my jars are colonized to a degree. This is the most colonized ive had a cake at least after a week, for both i used an oven to steralise. 4 cakes in total. 30m at 140c then 2h 30m at 115c. When th... View More
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Joey Green
Between your methodology, the comments concerning very fast growth and that growth looking quite "off whitish" (on my phone screen anyway) .... I would be suspect of it actually being the mycelium you desire and planned for. Hope my suspicions are inaccurate, it works out/ turns out well for you re... View More
Like June 26, 2020
Thanks man i am certain its not contam its just rhe natural light when you look closely the details can be seen and as well as that the jars have a slightly yellow tinge to block out uv rays, kinda like beer bottles ut not as good
Like June 26, 2020
But if your right then i migbt as well just cry myself to sleep
Like June 26, 2020
Joey Green
Im not just occasionally wrong .....Im often wrong lol It very well may be the mycelium your looking for ... and i hope it is. But .... luck aside ..... If you wish to continue on and be successful with regularity growing fungi ..... Your methodology and approach are in serious need of reworking ... View More
Like June 26, 2020
So 3 of my 4 new cakes are colonizing without contamination thjs is my first successful mycelium growth, as its a hot day today i placed the jars in a clear box wrapped in a black tarp on my window le... View More
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I usually find a spot to leave my jars by checking temps. Great spot is above the fridge. Get a small digital thermometer and leave it there. 78 to 80 is a good temp to grow myc. Steady temps are best. Not sure what a spike in temp would do.
Like June 24, 2020
It worked like a charm sat them in the sun for 8 hours for 3 days under a black tarp on my window ledge in a box and this held a steady temperature which increased the rate of colonization
Like June 26, 2020
Checked in on my cakes before all 5 are contaminated, shit sucks
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