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Psilocybin Mushrooms Australia & New Zealand (PMANZ)
306 Members
Florida Psychonauts
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Edible and medicinal mushrooms
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Do you have tips for dating or finding fellow Psychonauts?
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I tried hitting on this girl one time with this pick up line "what are you doing today?, do you wanna come over to my house and take some acid?" under normal circumstances this may have been weird... by when your neck deep in the zone and getting ready to double down normal flies out the window. at ... View More
Like August 3, 2020 Edited
The law of resonance will send like minded people your way 1f642.png
Like August 4, 2020
Joey Green
Guys have been fed lies about women since the day they were born .... this really is the crux of the biscuit concerning many guys frustrations finding .... and keeping ..... quality women. Be a rock, have high standards, be the best version of yourself that you can be, have a mission(s), hit the gy... View More
Like August 4, 2020
"with a comfortable income" to quote Thurston Moore " to all the mommas with the money eyes, this kinda love comes as no surprise"
Like August 4, 2020 Edited