This is a page from “The emeralds tablets of Thoth” , this is something amazing, i never knew this until recently when i read the book , this is a valuable information i want to share with you guys to... View MoreThis is a page from “The emeralds tablets of Thoth” , this is something amazing, i never knew this until recently when i read the book , this is a valuable information i want to share with you guys too. Whenever i feel some negative energy in my heart i read those sentences and i start to feel much better instantly
1 g dried gt + yoga = awesomeness
I love you people, so much good vibe coming from here, it's amazing
I inherited some money 2 years ago while i was still working as a truck driver. My father insisted on buying this studio apartment as it was cheap. I wasn’t very happy in the beginning , bad neighbour... View MoreI inherited some money 2 years ago while i was still working as a truck driver. My father insisted on buying this studio apartment as it was cheap. I wasn’t very happy in the beginning , bad neighbourhood , ugly building etc. (All buildings look like crap in this country) but i accepted , he sold the big apartment i grew up in, and i didn’t have anywhere to live , to sleep. There’s a church right under my window , 20 meters away , it has 2 towers and 2 bells in each tower. 2 bells are huge and the other 2 are extreme gigantic. You can’t even die here, they make so much noise , you wake up and start living again. The church is surrounded by other buildings , and they bang them every day , sometimes even i counted 7 times a day , even 15 min each time , they also have sticks and bang them on wood like a drum , every day ... it’s so crazy , unimaginable. Children need rest , workers need rest , night time workers need rest ... they been doing this for ages , this is an old wooden church ... i neven new this is happening until now . However , i lost my job soon after i moved in , i had accidents with my car with the truck at work and i decided i will not work again untill they stop banging or i move somewhere else. I spoke with lawyers , i tried to get authorities attention via my facebook the last 2-3 weeks i noticed more silence than ever before , they banged them only 2 or 3 days in this period of time. I am not even trying to get a job unless they officially stop banging ... why i even have to tell them to stop ? Can u imagine what kind of people i’m dealing with here ?
My hometown needs a good shaking
People i'm dealing with don't know the value of things ...they kind of keep the coal and throw away the diamond
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