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Last night i had a dream about 2 planets close to each other , one looked like saturn , there was also a narrating voice which was saying something about the underworld or poeple of the night uniting ... View More
This is a page from “The emeralds tablets of Thoth” , this is something amazing, i never knew this until recently when i read the book , this is a valuable information i want to share with you guys to... View More
1 g dried gt + yoga = awesomeness
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Dude i took a little too strong of a microdose the other day and did my morming yoga and all day it felt like i was in total ecstasy. Ive never experienced gratitude and the feeling of completeness the way i did that day. I think youre definitely on to something.
Like February 20, 2021
Yes increases performance a lot
Like February 20, 2021
I love you people, so much good vibe coming from here, it's amazing
9 people like this.
I love it here
Like February 6, 2021
I inherited some money 2 years ago while i was still working as a truck driver. My father insisted on buying this studio apartment as it was cheap. I wasn’t very happy in the beginning , bad neighbour... View More
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It's a torture, i heard once somebody yelling at them "Stop it for Christ sake", they continued even longer
Like February 5, 2021
my father told me to learn to ignore it...but then i will develop an ignorant mind, either way i don't think it's healthy for the mind
Like February 5, 2021
some weird stuff going on in my grow room, i am sorry i didn;t take a photo a closer look, but when i looked at the kit one morning i saw caps on the substrate , i thought they fell off from the mushrooms , i tried to pick them but no...they were actually pins growing upside down shooting spores up... View More
Like February 5, 2021
2 days ago one mushroom fell off...the substrate couldn't hold it...that's another weird thing i did not expect...i thought maybe my father secretly has a key from the grow room, and touched it , but the next day one train fell off the tracks and my brothers car's engine blew up in germany , he has ... View More
Like February 5, 2021
My hometown needs a good shaking
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Yes and i’m kind of alone here
Like February 5, 2021
Thank you 1f642.png
Like February 5, 2021
People i'm dealing with don't know the value of things ...they kind of keep the coal and throw away the diamond
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There are lots of diamonds on the moon , i believe they reflect light and energy , just sayin
Like February 5, 2021
Please correct me if im wrong
Like February 5, 2021
I strongly believe in 1 month i’ll be able to buy new clothes and pay bills
Like February 5, 2021
I live around coal mines , most of them are now closed because of polution , but they still exctract coal from a few... pollution level exceeded the limit last week , yesterday a train with 6 wagons fulled with coal derailed nearby
Like February 5, 2021 Edited
Merry Christmas
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