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Sananga TRIBE
250 Members
Psychedelics » Other Compounds
The Review
641 Members
Dmt extraction from Acacia nilotica bark aka babool tree. Any suggestions?
1 person likes this.
Other then that where to get chemicals like HcL from
Like August 10, 2024
Okay then try it there's nothing wrong with experimentation it's so hard I'm not sure what is available in your area of the world. We have some other friends that are from around the same area you are let's see if we can get them to speak up maybe they have an idea where you can get your supplies a... View More
Like August 10, 2024 Edited
Yea would like to interact with, and for the chemicals lie can be substituted by household castic soda , and naptha is available on any hardware , paint stores , just having trouble finding HCL
Like August 10, 2024
Okay okay so acid/base tek well I'm going to see if there's any substitutes that can be used while we wait to see if somebody else speaks up on this feed because I know there's a lot of extractors here that might have more information on this than I do..... In the meantime a straight to Base does ju... View More
Like August 10, 2024
The product mentioned
As : Acacia Confusa Root Bark + Acacia Acuminata Rootbark
Is it the right one for dmt extraction. Like this good to start with?
Im. In south asia Pakistan. Leme me know how to get my hand on memosa bark
2 people like this.
Like August 4, 2024
Looks like you're going to have to find somewhere that will ship it to Pakistan like I don't know primebark.com you can see if has any suggestions
Like August 4, 2024 Edited
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