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Barry Roberts
Is the white furry stuff a bad mould?
Also can I still eat them?
Thanks for any help!
6 people like this.
Barry Roberts
Thanks guys, I’m learning loads already for all of you and by having a go too! When I opened the bag it did smell mouldy in there tbh so I’ve tossed the cake and I’ll start again soon. I wouldn’t normally wash the mushrooms except I wanted to get rid of the mould. I’ll keep that in mind next ti... View More
Like August 23, 2023
Thor Odinson
The fuzzy ones are cute lol.
Like September 11, 2023
Don’t wash your mushrooms.
Like September 11, 2023
Thor Odinson
Yeah. Just use a toothbrush. Washing will just waterlog them and make them gross and even take longer to dry.
Like September 11, 2023
Barry Roberts
Time to start drying some out from my first flush. Got four loads like this one (this is the last!)
What are your preferred methods of drying. Read a few things but it would be nice to know from some ... View More

6 people like this.
I put them straight into the dehydrator. The only thing to watch out for is keeping the temps below 120°F or 48°C. If it exceeds that temp it can degrade the potency. You can air dry them with a fan and cardboard or paper towels. It just can take a long time depending on the weight of the fruits w... View More
Like August 10, 2023 Edited
Wow a week? Do you just dry them whole when they're that big? Why chance of them rotting or molding?
Like August 11, 2023
it's been close to a week for me using a fan or air dry method. More chances of molding because mushrooms have a high water content in them naturally just like produce that gets left out it can get funky. Ive also found it a bit difficult to get them fully dries using that method. The ti... View More
Like August 11, 2023
Barry Roberts
Tbh that was my thoughts and concerns about leaving them to naturally dry too. So I went for the dehydrator.
Like August 14, 2023
Barry Roberts
Another mushroom question, thank you for the help I got so far from you experienced growers ????
These mushrooms range from slight bruising to full on deep blue. The full deep blue is concerning me and... View More

1 person likes this.
They look good man the bruises are normal.
Like August 8, 2023
Barry Roberts
Thank you, that’s a relief! I just got worried cos they were so heavily bruised and started thinking it was a mild infestation
Like August 8, 2023
Barry Roberts
Day 16 of my first time growing cubensis, a question for all you growers.
Although these aren’t ready to harvest yet it does seem that some are way more advanced than others here.
Can I harvest them at... View More

3 people like this.
Pick when the veil starts to break. And yea you can harvest each one separately at different times whenever ready
Like August 7, 2023
Barry Roberts
Oh nice, thank you that’s good to know! Any tips on knowing when the veil is going to break as I read you want to catch it just before to avoiding spores spoiling the next flush?
Like August 7, 2023
You just have to keep an eye on the caps. You will have a bit of time after the veils break. Most cubes won't spore out till the tip of the caps get close to being horizontal or parallel with the ground if that makes sense. They are looking great. That's a nice cluster
Like August 8, 2023
Barry Roberts
Thanks, again that’s really helpful! I’m going buoying getting to know how things work and seeing the fruits of my labour!
Like August 8, 2023
Barry Roberts
First ever crop, first pinheads poking through!
Question do I stop misting the bag now completely or continue once in the morning and once at night until they’re ready to harvest?
TIA it’s all new to ... View More

6 people like this.
You can stop misting as long as the walls are thoroughly misted. Just keep an eye on them to make sure it doesn't get dry. What kind are they? Just cubensis?
Like August 2, 2023
Barry Roberts
Thank you, yes cubensis B+ in a supagro kit. My first time growing. So just keep an eye on the walls and make sure they’re always wet?
Like August 2, 2023
Yes sir
Like August 3, 2023
Barry Roberts
Thank you, much appreciated
Like August 3, 2023
Barry Roberts
When taking shrooms, do you find that drinking alcohol and eating food can lessen the effects or not?
I’m experimenting and I’m the early stages and just not sure if it’s lessening it or I just need t... View More

7 people like this.
It depends on when you’re consuming it. Generally speaking if you wait a little while after eating the mushrooms to eat food or drink that’s fine, you’re body absorbed the psilocybin. If you eat before than it lessens the effects because food will slow down your stomach’s absorption. As for the alco... View More
Like July 15, 2023
It's a mistake to drink alcohol and eat food while on psychedelics. Alcohol is poison to the shamanic community. It is not the way they were intended to be handled. Typically when taking psychedelics you would not drink alcohol at all that day or even the week prior and fast the day of consumption.
Like July 15, 2023
My experience is feeling like shit, although my stomach is a bit on the sensitive side
Like July 15, 2023
I have drank, smoked weed, and dmt on shrooms (not all in the same trip)For me, I listen to the mushroom and my body for advice on stuff like that.
Like July 23, 2023
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