Barry Roberts
on August 2, 2023
First ever crop, first pinheads poking through!
Question do I stop misting the bag now completely or continue once in the morning and once at night until they’re ready to harvest?
TIA it’s all new to me!
Dimension: 674 x 900
File Size: 252.76 Kb
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You can stop misting as long as the walls are thoroughly misted. Just keep an eye on them to make sure it doesn't get dry. What kind are they? Just cubensis?
Like August 2, 2023
Barry Roberts
Thank you, yes cubensis B+ in a supagro kit. My first time growing. So just keep an eye on the walls and make sure they’re always wet?
Like August 2, 2023
Yes sir
Like August 3, 2023
Barry Roberts
Thank you, much appreciated
Like August 3, 2023