on November 5, 2020
These guys just seemed to have stopped growing. What gives?
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 3.59 Mb
3 people like this.
Direct sprays are no bueno and can cause aborts. Try misting upward and letting it fall onto the block
Like November 5, 2020
If you the sub looks dry you can always Use a clean syringe and squirted some distilled water into the substrate. I would also put a fan blowing across to dry the littlie mushrooms and pins first
Like November 5, 2020
Id get a fan and dry those puppies off
Like November 6, 2020
Thanks guys. Dried them off. Shot them up with some water. Will see what happens in the next couple days. Ive got a fuck ton of pins in a GT sub. Maybe 3 actually growing past that. Its literally the entire sub top is like a pin forest. Could hardly stick a needle in the sub cause of all the baby pi... View More
Like November 6, 2020