on October 14, 2020
I read that peyote naturally grows under partial shade of mesquite trees, but I didn't have any mesquite.
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We've got a wealth of it out here. You ever find yourself out west, I'd be more than happy to show you the locations.
Like October 14, 2020
Lmao dude thats fuxking awesome. Can i ask you a few questions about the cactus i see you garded it i think its called? Could you explain why ppl do that and maybe a quick beat down about how you u grow them. Im on the east coast can i do it out here? Any info you can give me would be awesome thanks... View More
Like October 14, 2020
Is that a payoye cactus i see!
Like October 14, 2020
There are 3. 1 on it's own roots and 2 grafted to Peruvian mescaline cacti. I have 3 more peyote plants not pictured here.
Like October 15, 2020