on August 20, 2020
Fresh built almost ready to play!
Dimension: 4032 x 1960
File Size: 2.65 Mb
9 people like this.
Hell yeah bro and it starts a lil sum like this!!!
Like August 20, 2020
The problem you may have, is that all the myecelium settles to the bottom and even with a 5" transfer needle you can't reach it. The fat short jars are probably better IMO
Like August 21, 2020
What are those gray caps on too for? i see everyone has them and i thot u can jus innoculate thru the filter patch n cover wit micropore right after bo problem n half da holez
Like August 21, 2020
Thanks for the response bro, i buy RTV so i have no idea where everyone gets these same filters from i swear eryone buys from same guy
Like August 21, 2020