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Anybody ever know someone or about someone who exploded a glovebox when flame sterlizing? Asking for uh a family friend
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Ive caught my hands and arm on fire from wiping down with alcohol then flame sterilizing too soon after. Lol oops! We can all learn !
If you can, try to reduce the amount of things you need to flame sterilize. What other than MSS do you really need to flame sterilize ? Scalpel blades come presterilized and are super cheap.
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All the excess moisture ends up on the lid instead of the agar. Just let them sit a few hours for the sporesto stick to the agar and then i slowly turn them around. Ive never had much luck with spore suringe to agar, i find print to agar works better. If youre gonna use a q tip to soak up excess moi... View More
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