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Male. Lives in Antarctica. Born on December 22, 1944. Is divorced.
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Raising my temp by (according to the lil relatively unreliable scanner) 6 degree. Im thinking its really like 10
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Loading up the hydrated corn, was just wondering if there would be difference between hydrating the coffee grounds and just getting spoon fulls from the tub dry, imasewasup
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Coffee 1f614.png
Like October 27, 2020
I was gone for two months and now I back and better than ever I got lot of work to show you guys I have gotten way smoother !!
Tub Two: if you noticed the first tub is mainly fluffy while this one is more bumpy. Smells lil musty in here, other one don’t smell musty...
Tub One: that big yellowish dome is new (near bottom but almost not)
This tub, and another of the same kind of oyster, have been sitting at around 75% colonization for months. I started fruiting conditions too early (months ago) (they are my first tubs ever in my life)... View More
Anybody ever know someone or about someone who exploded a glovebox when flame sterlizing? Asking for uh a family friend
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Ive caught my hands and arm on fire from wiping down with alcohol then flame sterilizing too soon after. Lol oops! We can all learn !
Like August 24, 2020
@canashroom were you able to heal completely?
Like August 24, 2020
Yes. Only mild burns. Funny/scary reminder
Like August 24, 2020
If you can, try to reduce the amount of things you need to flame sterilize. What other than MSS do you really need to flame sterilize ? Scalpel blades come presterilized and are super cheap.
Like August 24, 2020 Edited
Rip, guna throw away i don’t think theres anything here I could save
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Just flip the cups upside down, that solves the excess moisture issue wonderfully!1f642.png
Like August 23, 2020
All the excess moisture ends up on the lid instead of the agar. Just let them sit a few hours for the sporesto stick to the agar and then i slowly turn them around. Ive never had much luck with spore suringe to agar, i find print to agar works better. If youre gonna use a q tip to soak up excess moi... View More
Like August 23, 2020
Thanks boomer
Like August 23, 2020
Like August 23, 2020
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Rip ill try n grab the white part on the edge jus to see whata happen
Like August 23, 2020
Have you done a contam test on your Agar?
Like August 23, 2020
I havn’t but i was going to try and test to see if my method/recipie would work with another strain of syringe i have had success with before. How would i do a contam test tho wym?
Like August 23, 2020
Have you tried leaving your agar plates for a week before using them
Like August 23, 2020
Dis agar is as bro. Use it wit sum gelatin if u gotta
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