on July 21, 2020
Hi!! Let me introduce myself. I'm a visionairy artist. This is my work. I plan on making more video content and I'm happy and gratefull to share!
Dimension: 900 x 1397
File Size: 1.11 Mb
74 people like this.
Yes those are absolutely cream of the crop and a few random others but need more lol
Like July 23, 2020
Print on a black long sleeve please.
Like July 24, 2020
Joey Green
Cosmic_Jester_x_behance .... have you ever considered making blotter art with some of these, do limited printings and number/sign them? This makes for some highly collectible art within an already established genre. Id buy some!
Like July 25, 2020
@joey Green I was looking into that tbh. But so far haven't done it yet and still have to figure out how. But I would love to expand!
Like July 25, 2020