Brandon Izzarelli
on July 10, 2020
Just realized I have not given y’all any tips here lately due to my wife’s case of Covid eating up all my time. Instead of using all these clear plastic tubs and putting in a black liner go out and find you some of these black trays you will have no more issues with side pinning. Then when you’re ready to birth them you can set them in regular fruiting chamber or a Martha! Also in regards to side pins and pinning on the bottom Stop worrying about that so much. If you think I’m crazy I want you to do this grab one of those aborts and place it on a petri for a couple days and then please let me know what happens.......
For the lazy the abort is going to melt into the media in the form of mycelium and the process starts again. Out in the field once a mushroom has released its spores it will melt back into the ground and under the propper conditions you can actually see the outline of the mushroom as it returns to mycelium.
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 6.29 Mb
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Joey Green
Prayers and wishes of fast/efficient recovery over your families struggles. Exactly! ..... KISS methods win out every time! Over the years I've simply come to the conclusions that multiple smaller fruiting tubs/containers will not only out perform one bigger one, but will also allow for much simple... View More
Like July 10, 2020
Wishing you and your family nothing but the best.
Like July 10, 2020
hope your wife is well, it makes it hard to hear naive people talking about conspiracy or fake virus jargon. when its in your face. sending love and light your way.
Like July 10, 2020
Brandon Izzarelli
Thank you all she’s doing so much better but they just put her mom in the hospital it ain’t good.
Like July 12, 2020