Solagraphic Ink
on June 30, 2020
Although i wasnt going to, i finished this work, reluctantly. I know there were a lot of you who appreciated my work so i dont want to deprive you of enjoying its completion. But i wont be doing art anymore. This is the last of it. Enjoy.
Dimension: 2216 x 3264
File Size: 2.1 Mb
24 people like this.
can I ask why would you acknowledge, with intention not make art anymore?
Like June 30, 2020
Beautiful work
Like June 30, 2020
Don't stop man. You are mad talented. Focuse that energy on a different art form like painting or clay sculpting. Sometimes we get stuck in ruts, its just time for you to change them tires and get back on the road to a new adventure. Good luck on your journey....whatever road you burn rubber on.
Like June 30, 2020
Jay Pickles
Just wow...
Like June 30, 2020