on June 5, 2020
Some late night spore prints #MushLuv
Paper vs aluminium foil??
These are my first paper prints lets find out how it works
Anybody got a good explanation about witch is better?
I used paper this time becouse i was in a rush and the aluminium foil was nowere to be found (got is now lol). It was laying on my desk for a while so i cleaned them with some alcohol, and worked in a still air box after that.i hope that they are any good !
Dimension: 4032 x 2016
File Size: 2.32 Mb
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Jay Pickles
I'd say in a pinch parchment paper could work, but paper is pretty porous so idk, wax paper is a definite no. I'll let someone smarter then me answer what reg paper will do because Idk.
Like June 6, 2020