Max Manado
on March 23, 2020
Is this a bad kind of mold on magic truffles?
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It does seem a lil questionable huh? Is it fuzzy? I see some blue bruising it appears. I am by no means an expert on truffles
Like March 23, 2020
Dude i think we gotta just eat truffles as we pick them. Dryed my first stones last month and I was going to grab one and bam. Covered in mold. Only a very tiny stone survived the mold crisis. *cry I was very sad.
Like March 23, 2020
Jay Pickles
Are you storing them with silica packets? I would assume those would help? Idk I've not gotten to needing storage yet.
Like March 23, 2020
I bet a silica packet may have saved my couple stones. I have some idk why the fuk I didnt use them omfl
Like March 23, 2020