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Amanita Muscaria
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Mescaline extraction
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DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics ยป DMT
Max Manado
Is this a bad kind of mold on magic truffles?
2 people like this.
It does seem a lil questionable huh? Is it fuzzy? I see some blue bruising it appears. I am by no means an expert on truffles
Like March 23, 2020
Dude i think we gotta just eat truffles as we pick them. Dryed my first stones last month and I was going to grab one and bam. Covered in mold. Only a very tiny stone survived the mold crisis. *cry I was very sad.
Like March 23, 2020
Jay Pickles
Are you storing them with silica packets? I would assume those would help? Idk I've not gotten to needing storage yet.
Like March 23, 2020
I bet a silica packet may have saved my couple stones. I have some idk why the fuk I didnt use them omfl
Like March 23, 2020
Max Manado
Does this look like mold its my first mushroom grow and its been 10 days
Max Manado
shared a few photos
What do you guys think is this enough light for a magic mushroom growbox?
1 person likes this.
It's enough, they just need it for direction and some minor chemical reactions they don't do photosynthesis. But keep an eye on temperature near the window.
Like January 27, 2020
Max Manado
Hello everyone im new to this app. I have never taken DMT but i want to could someone tell me the best way to get DMT like which plant and stuff.(i want to smoke it) and like if it is legal to order t... View More
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Max Manado
@Michael okay thank you very much i live in germany but it is also legal here im a bit of a newbee do i just put the root bark in the vaporuzer or what do i have to do?
Like November 12, 2019
No mate. You have to extract the dmt from the bark. Its a whole process. Look up gordo tek.
Like November 12, 2019
We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself. ~ Lloyd Alexander
Like November 12, 2019
Max Manado
Thank you everyone for the tips and interesting quotes
Like November 12, 2019
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