on March 22, 2020
Had a cool insight to share with this meme froze lost it. Went to rewrite it and lost train of thought.... Something directly prevented it from being shared...and it ain't human. If it comes back to me I'll update it.
*Update* not the same train of thought as earlier but a point that needs to be addressed..
Some may think I'm arrogant or ignorant and I won't deny either...seems the cliche these days' is "Only God can Judge Me" and my response to that is Why do you want an Alien to Judge you at all? Here's the crux of the issue if human beings started off as just 2 ADAM AND EVE NOT ADAM AND STEVE....where did all these "New" souls come from? What if we all existed on other planets in other dimensions and were captured and quarantined to this planet at this "Time"?
Then the idea of being "Judged" makes sense...we pass their test and go home back to where we really came from? We are Eternal beings and can't be Destroyed but can be changed if we allow it (Hence the memory loss of past lives for most) The underground push idea is "Everything is One" and by default don't resist their will because it's actually your will.
I got caught up in this trap until I realized we're being used...human attention is a food for them. We're on a Prison Planet and the gate keepers are called "God's". Kiss their ass and they will bless you tell them to Fuck off like I did and they will take everything away from you (kinda like in a prison)...Fyi THATS NOT UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. It's pimp game slavery.
So yeah I'm "Arrogant" because I've seen them and they are NOT PERFECT just older and wiser. We have all their abilities and MORE if we could access our True Potential which is what they are afraid of. Also for the Christian's that think "God is Love" rethink that shit. If he had Christ crucified as "The lamb of God" who was collecting the sacrifice? And if ya get your mind twisted into thinking Christ and God are same being then how can his death mean our "salvation"? Wtf he's saving us from himself? Or playing the blame game...either way it's a trap. When you die you go into the "Light" and poof your back in the womb getting recycled again. I'm not gonna argue scripture with anyone because everyone believes they are right so be it. I'm saying the God's are NOT benevolent beings unless ya on your knees worshipping them...then they give you lighter load... because your giving them your direct attention. Free Yourself from these Alien Overlords and find the True Creator of All within your Heart. It's the only thing you can take with when you leave this LIFE...and it's worth the Journey to discover who you really are.
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 97.39 Kb
6 people like this.
Most probs that is true... But only in one dimension. So actually you are most certainly not in a prison. Because everything is infinite. So you are also a little dot of the universe of Gaia that became conscious to persieve life and have such crippling thoughts. It's a lesson like everything if you... View More
Like March 31, 2020
This sounds like exactly what Doom Eternals Story line is.
Like March 31, 2020
Also, im irish cathoolic. Which means i love god, and god hates me
Like March 31, 2020
@Lonelyplanet I see what ya saying and your right it's all a matter of perspective but what's the end game? We live "experience Earth reality" and then turn over our experiences to "Gaia" and say Thanx for the struggle? Could be ...I'm not buying it but I'm not saying your wrong either. I don't know... View More
Like April 1, 2020