Fox L'shra
on October 16, 2019
If you're not keen on older looking games, and you liked Skyrim though, there's a group that's working on a remake of Morrowind using the Skyrim engine, called Skywind, with some LOVELY sneak peak images
Dimension: 1200 x 439
File Size: 33.67 Kb
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If only i wasnt a console peasent. Theyve been working on this for awhile i thought?
Like October 16, 2019
Fox L'shra
Yeah, they've been working on the project for a good few years now actually, they refuse to set a specific release date so they have enough time to put detail into it without it looming over them. Like--
Like October 16, 2019
Fox L'shra
Quote: Skywind's VA's have their roles separated into Trello cards (as shown in the picture). On each card, there are from 1 to many roles assigned to that voice actor. Skywind has a total of 414 assignable cards to fill out the worlds entire cast of characters. Out of these 414 cards: 74% are ass... View More
Like October 16, 2019
Love playin my VR couldnt stop playin firewall i was hooked
Like October 16, 2019