on September 23, 2019
Does anyone have any last ditch ideas for increasing the size? I am pretty convinced its the strain. They are the smallest mushrooms I have ever seen. All 5 of my totes look like this. I dont know what else to do to try to make them grow a bit bigger but I have been altering every condition I have control of and they fruit fast but tee tiny... I have harvested about 200 mushrooms and the total dried weight is 8 grams. What a disappointment.
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 3.5 Mb
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I make my sub anywhere from 2-3 inches if u go deeper like 4 and 5 i head u dont get more fruits so i stick around 3inches
Like September 23, 2019
So what would make you say having your sub too wet would cause small fruits?
Like September 24, 2019
I have grown thin ones taller than those on sub much thinner then that. What are you using to grow in? Moded tub? This looks like it's sitting out in a Martha or something? Looks dry to me
Like September 24, 2019 Edited
Honestly i believed they were cubes but a few cubes grew in 1 of the totes that had the mixed spores. These arent fruiting like cubes at all. They look just like cyans but the caps arent wavy. I took them out of the totes believing the sub was too wet. I let my humidity get down to 80 before fogging... View More
Like September 24, 2019