on August 28, 2024
I got my fingers crossed. Wish us luck. Some folks are coming to look at our house today. We NEED this to happen and we have a price set that will give us what we need to move on to the next chapter of our lives. It's happening with or without our consent so experience tells me to go ahead and take the leap before I'm pushed off the edge. I'm excited, scared, nervous, grateful that I'm able to see ahead even a little bit sometimes, mostly I'm confident in our ability to make this happen in our best interest.
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10 people like this.
Everything is going to work out well! I know that feeling when I moved homes with my family back when I lived with them. New chapter means new opportunities! Mush love
Like August 28, 2024
It really sounds like the world is turning in your favor. I know (from what I've read) that you guys have been going through some hard times. Or at least having alot of roadblocks. And living life like your constantly swimming against the currant. Seems like your sunshine is coming out. I'm happy fo... View More
Like August 28, 2024 Edited
Thanks everyone. Your support means a lot to me.
Like August 29, 2024
My boy looking chill AF. Bless up brother praying for you and yours
Like August 29, 2024