Darrin Caruso
on November 25, 2023
My neighborhood MushRoom shop
Dimension: 674 x 900
File Size: 167.92 Kb
22 people like this.
As decimalization and legalization are becoming more and more it's getting easier to allow posts like this and this has been address with past members. Since there is no link to products and personal info we allowed this post. As for asking where and for online info does violate the rule so thank yo... View More
Like December 1, 2023 Edited
Yeah I mean I ain't trying to stir up anything. Situations evolve and things change. Thanks for the info
Like December 1, 2023
You are welcome, you dont know unless you ask and that is what I figured you were doing.1f60a.png
Like December 1, 2023
Todd Miller
I need to move to Canada
Like December 3, 2023