on May 17, 2022
AA+ stems are really thin but it’s something
Dimension: 674 x 900
File Size: 214.12 Kb
18 people like this.
I must be doing something wrong I put the spent sub in my garden from about tub and they are Coming in great.
Like May 18, 2022
I think it is just the strain. Each strain acts differently. However you can work and improve it on Agar. That is my end goal for best personal results.
Like May 18, 2022
I just posted some fruits from my second flush of AA+ and they are huge. The first flush looked exactly like yours. They are INTENSE tho.
Like May 23, 2022
^^^^ Do you all ever learn about no sourcing?? No we don't need any recommendations. We do just fine with our own private research. Thank you for giving us something to do!
Like May 23, 2022