on May 5, 2022
Better flush of P natalensis this time
Dimension: 1200 x 900
File Size: 149.11 Kb
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it is all new to me to. However, I have gotten so passionate that I decided to study into it. I'm very confident with all dung loving species now! However, I really have to work and focus on my wood lovers projects. I need extra food to for these hard times. I want to make some Lions Mane... View More
Like May 14, 2022
lastly I definitely want to put my P Nat to the test. I heard it is very aggressive, self isolates itself on Agar, very potent, heavy spore depositor and easy to grow like a Cube. I'm very excited to be able to print them! Also that microscope activity!
Like May 14, 2022
P natalensis grows very similarly to cubes. The ultimate challenge for dung lovers is Panaeolus species
Like May 15, 2022
I have a MSS from SporeWorks in the fridge of Pan Cyans that I wanna bust off but I'm afraid I haven't progressed enough with cubes to level up to them just yet.... no sense in wasting such a thing if I haven't done my due diligence...
Like May 15, 2022