on May 3, 2022
3 different science projects… do these look normal?
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Everything looks fine. Are they the same genetics? Are they agar to grain?
Like May 3, 2022
It’s really hard to tell from the bottom pictures, but the substrate should look Snow White. Top picture is showing a lot of moisture. Did you spray right before you took picture? How’s your FAE? How does it look to you? In other words, how do you feel about them? I always encourage people to listen... View More
Like May 4, 2022 Edited
I had them covered before the picture but I did spray them down yesterday because the edges were dry. The FAE is good, this was done with Midwest 5-Grain and my last was done with Rye Berry. The last one covered extremely quickly and these are a lot slower and the myc looks different than the last. ... View More
Like May 4, 2022