on February 27, 2022
Just wow. Last time i used this i got pretty cool visuals and an intense body high. Took bigger hits today and i just cant describe what was even going on around me. The space around me was different than anything ive ever seen. everything wanted to merge but stay apart from eachother it seems. I caught my self stuck in amazement by the million things that was both happening and not happening at the same damn time. The buzzing sound grew louder but peaked up to a certain point and went down as i was coming down. Makes me want to dive deeper but at the same time i just dont know if i could handle it
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 93.16 Kb
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Honestly… and most people would agree…. The pre-blast off part of a DMT trip is the scariest part. The body load is just so intense and unsettling. Once you blast off all of that goes away. I’m more fearful of not blasting off when I vape DMT.
Like February 27, 2022
Frankkkk you should check out the extraction groups and learn how to make your own. Nobody's gonna help you source product.
Like February 27, 2022
@frankkkk, Asking where to get DMT is considered sourcing. Thats really the only rule that we have here. What you can do is ask where you can purchase some bark. Once you have your bark you can ask for directions for extractions but we cant ask for help to get the actual dmt.
Like February 27, 2022