on January 29, 2022
Anyone have experience with phalaris aquatica or phalaris arundinacea (reed canary grass)? I have been considering growing it as it grows fast, seems easy to procure, is legal, and is reported to have some good tryptamines in it. But I've also heard that it has gramine, which is poison...so I'm not sure if it is a good source. Hoping to learn from someone who has firsthand experience.
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Like January 29, 2022
Hey bro, i was reseaching phalaris aquatica with the intension of using it in a substrate to grow mushies on. Ive red the tryptamines content in the grass increases psilocybin content. What were you planning on doing with it?
Like January 29, 2022
Innervision i would like to do exoeriments with it to make a new strain with higher tryptamine content maybe
Like January 29, 2022
Awesome man that sounds like a fun experiment, anyway thanks for the reminder, im gonna look into this grass again 1f642.png
Like January 30, 2022