on October 28, 2021
How often do you all take mushies? Microdosing or macro? What happens If I take a 1 gram dose every day instead of a 0.15g microdose every third day? Would tolerance be an issue? :D
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I do 0.5g personally It helps me focus and concentrate. I have even upped it to 0.8g sometimes but depends on the variety you will be consuming.
Like October 29, 2021
in my understanding of what microdose means, it is supposed to be just below the threshold of feeling any effects. so by this definition, as soon as you feel something, it is not micro anymore.. for me that is 0.05g of cubensis.. sometimes up to 0.1g.
Like October 29, 2021
I was wondering this mysef …. Nice question
Like December 17, 2021
.28 double expresso sat, and thur yummy
Like January 13, 2022