on September 22, 2021
The fruit of my labors :)
Dimension: 2134 x 3840
File Size: 5.1 Mb
22 people like this.
Joey Green has alot of practical knowledge to offer on this subject...
Like October 15, 2021
Good job Dadbod!
Like October 15, 2021
Joey Green
Looks good to me! Only thing I do different is to include a small packet of a high quality, food grade desiccant in before sealing ..... a half gram or gram size should be sufficient for smaller vacuum bags. If Im feeling really anal about it and I know its for long term storage ..... Ill also incl... View More
Like October 15, 2021
I've had my mushy friends inside a jar with silica packets for about a year now, I'm sure some of the potency has been lost but no one has said they've noticed a difference yet, I would love to vacuum seal but as I'm in a tiny apartment I've run out of room for more gadgets sadly. But I can confiden... View More
Like October 15, 2021 Edited