9th Dimensional Holy Guru
Humans are plagued by anxiety and fear.
Primal emotions left on with no danger near.
Or maybe it's because our fellow humans actually live in fear.
We just feel sympathy pain.
Hunger poverty and war are humanities stains.
Young kids strapped with AK's
Blood diamonds for formal engagements.
North Koreans kept in mental cages.
Europeans, White washed history in stages.
They've been in power for so long they’re afraid and ready to kill.
Even with all the money, they can't get their fill.
Who do you think pushes the pills?
Chemicals designed to put your third eye to sleep.
Armed Sentinel robots go beep.
Pretty soon they'll be walking down the street.
It should be an amazing human feat.
Instead it could drop you in a heart beat.
Black market zero energy only for the Elite.
The table is about to collapse.
All the wrong people have a seat.
Each of them break it with the weight of their feet.
Disrespecting both you and me.
How long will it be?
The same bloodline has been in power since the fall of Atlantis.
This is ancient history
Entangled with the star spangled.
It's engrained and tangled.
There's more of us than them.
We don't buy their racism.
We don't buy their hate.
We're starting to wake.
We're changing our fate.
Free will means it's never too late!
It's our turn soon so let's celebrate.
Euphoric tingle up my vertebrae.
I feel hopeful for a new way.
We will evolve far beyond our savage, slave owning ancestors.
Their guilt is why they want you to fight each other.
I'm here to tell you we're all brothers!
Dimension: 750 x 1334
File Size: 2.62 Mb
50 people like this.
Gave me goosebumps. Thank you Excellent writing
Like July 29, 2019
Like August 9, 2019
london brick lane
Like September 21, 2019 Edited
In the deepest depths of one if my musbroom trips i really discovered that every but of human danger is fear and anxiety chasing pleasure and fulfilment, whether it be ling term or short term, great post
Like October 11, 2020