on April 21, 2021
The plan was to get 2 qt bags. This was all they had. I guess the universe is telling me something.
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 3.44 Mb
9 people like this.
I tried oventek but haven't used it because I don't want to waste my grainspawn at this point. I'd rather buy new coir than waste good spawn
Like April 22, 2021
When i use coco i dump in rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide and crock pot it for about 6 hours and don't have an issue.
Like April 22, 2021
Go big or go home
Like April 22, 2021
Sweet leaf
You will use it faster than you think!!! I need a nother bag very soon
Like April 22, 2021