on January 24, 2021
It doesn't matter what i do. The taste is painful. Oranges lemon dry fresh you name it i jabe attempted it. 14g of mel mac. Thank you to the people that talked with me before taking these. Fyi it doesn't matter the the amount it's still brutal. I'm excited again for what May come tonight.
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I guess it goes both ways.. i love brussel sprouts. Sauteed and balsamic mmmmm1f642.png
Like January 24, 2021
Peanut butter and jelly for me
Like January 24, 2021
Last time I cook them on low with water, pineaple dices and some cinamon, pineaple have a strong flavor. My friends told me is the best potion that I have made.
Like January 24, 2021 Edited
Have you tried an ethanol extraction? You can evap to form crystals and just eat those from what ive read on here (more or less)
Like January 24, 2021