on December 20, 2020
How can i kill this cobweb shit?
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Why are they on the surface, BLueking?
Like December 20, 2020
Sladds recommended to me that i soak a towel in peroxide (3%) and lay it over the afftected area over night. Worked like a charm. I ended up drenching a paper towel in peroxide and layed it over the whole shabang for the night, followed by a day and a half of peroxide misting to be extra sure. No mo... View More
Like December 20, 2020
Thanksssss batman , and regarding the kernels on the top , this time i just mix everything instead of making layera , thats why i wanted to put casing
Like December 20, 2020
Normally cobweb happens from moisture; however you choose to treat your sub, make sure you adjust the moisture content-air it out. This week, I misted a tub two sprays too many-had the fuzzy feet, and all I did was open the lid for a few hours to air out. Worked like a charm. Cobweb a bit differentl... View More
Like December 20, 2020