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Male. Lives in East texas, United States.
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Trip report for those that are intrested. Confused about this one a little...So today I woke up to this beautiful flush of golden teacher in a shoebox like around 8 and decide to take a trip before wo... View More
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Blacked out and came back to but both kinda when I blacked out I didnt know what was going on outside of my head but inside ik it was all black.
Like April 14, 2021
I had a friend get into a car accident when we werr in highschool. He banged his head really bad. Well every time we ate mushrooms after his accident he would have a siezure during his trip. Was super scary the first time it happened. Not sure how that pertains to you...sorry lol Sounds like self in... View More
Like April 14, 2021
That and maybe you were dehydrated. Hard to say
Like April 14, 2021
It makes a lot of sense. I'll go get checked out soon find me a doctor I can trust or look for a private one considering I want nothing to do with u.s. government. But this helped a lot guys I really appreciate this. I didnt think anxiety would be the reason for it but it makes sense since psychedel... View More
Like April 14, 2021
Anyone here have any luck on wild shroom hunts? Planning a trip soon so I can bring samples back home and grow my own tub of the strains I find.... If I have any luck that is. East texas weather rn se... View More
shared a few photos
Second attempt on pastywhytes agar tek. Popcorn to agar transfer progress on 5th day looking healthy???? ???? first attempt got green contam which was a bummer but lesson learned. Got a couple mss an... View More
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Any sub recipe for 1 qt of spawn? I wanna make just enough for that quart so I wont have any left over. Doing coco/verm sub any help would be greatly appreciated...
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Lucky charms
Your grain spawn has enough nutrients for multiple flushes the more you add to your sub the higher chance of contams keep it stupid simple Kiss
Like March 25, 2021 Edited
Yea that makes a lot of sense. My last tub I had I did a mini tub with 1/2 a qt just for shits and giggles. Did coco and verm but forgot the ratio.... That tub ended up with trich and I'm guessing that was the cause for it. I also added a case of coco and verm after top was 70 percent colonized caus... View More
Like March 25, 2021
”kiss” you got it.. simpler is better no extra shit. Healthy myc, coir, water.
Like March 25, 2021
1qt spawn to straight coir main ingredient water
Like March 25, 2021
Any movie suggestions and ideas of things to do while tripping on home grown golden teacher?
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Midnight gospel pretty amazing
Like March 13, 2021
A user named Aliendaddy asked this question not long ago and there were some great suggestions. Search that user name.
Like March 13, 2021
I love Day trips.
Like March 13, 2021
Shoebox first flush update. Not bad for first time if you ask me... Planning trip this weekend. Any advice and guidance on spiritual travels and dosage suggestion with sacred fruits? Trying to find an... View More
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5g dried or 50g wet in silent darkness, wear headphones and blindfold if nessecary. Keep tons of water and a bucket or 2 near you 1f609.png . Mush luv
Like January 26, 2021
You can put on calming tunes during the comeup if nessesary but silence will give answers
Like January 26, 2021
Couple pins on my first brf to shoebox tek lookin healthy so far and have this blueish bruising on the side of my second single cake but pins look healthy... First one was harvested a couple weeks ago... View More
Hi friend nice to make your acquaintance.
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Likewise... I just started my journey in mycology and opened me up to more questions about spirituality and who we are as one... Ive came across the quote "find peace and all else falls together" a couple weeks ago... And ive landed here so far... I hope this leads to better things and answers quest... View More
Like January 23, 2021
Well, I am happy to help guide, converse, chit chat whatever feels groovy.......I am a deep diver and a heavy doser.......I try to keep my crazy capped....but I think there is a leak in the seal and so it just kind of oozes all over the place....i can't promise I know everything, but I know a lot a... View More
Like January 23, 2021 Edited
Im new to this platform and heard about "happykb" all over this... It tickled my brain alittle.. Got curious and asked who "she" was... Got a couple answers from most people and aroused my curousity e... View More
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I always enjoy a good game of who is who....doesnt really matter to me as long as you are apart of the community and know we got a tight group and it's not me to worry about I may see it all but I only see what I am shown and whether you all know it......I see a lot more than I let on....just fyi so... View More
Like January 23, 2021
Oh and I got lots of names they call me here........whatever you choose to call me is fine by me I usually answer..
Like January 23, 2021 Edited
No one more important then any other voyager in the multi realms we're stranded in... Seeking answers to this reality ive been lost in.. Some talk about you like others talk about God so here i am pushing my luck to see what knowladge comes to light...
Like January 23, 2021
Oh my thats very humbling......God is so much greater than I.......just a simpler Seer trying to keep a righteous vibe flowing for a beautiful community of well all these magnificent people......
Like January 23, 2021 Edited
Who is happykb????
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I gotta meet this chick.......I got a lot of questions for her.
Like January 23, 2021 Edited
Like January 23, 2021
Khloe Kensington
She’s fam af!!
Like January 26, 2021
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