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Hi everyone, my name is Mark and I'm in Sydney, Australia. I can tell from the photos and posts that this is an awesome qnd supportive place, so looking forward to meeting new people.
Also new to the ... View More

8 people like this.
Haha thanks yawl! Whats BYODMT? Lol
Like October 28, 2020
Joey Green
BYOB = bring your own booze So naturally..... BYODMT = bring your own dmt! Lol Geeze .... ever notice how explaining your own joke just sucks all possibilities of humor right out of it! ... View More
Like October 28, 2020
Oops! Thanks man!
Like October 28, 2020
Joey Green
Its all good .... we love ya and it wouldn’t be the same without ya! .... However, I can make no promises that there won't be any snickering going on when you look away ..... just sayin LOL
Like October 29, 2020
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