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Status Update

I thought I would post another question as i have had great help from the community so far. I really appreciate the support.
So, ive been growing shrooms from grow kits and am just about to start prep... View More

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Join shroom in 2.0 and put post like this there. You can do grain to grain transfers. I personally wouldn’t do spores into grain, either agar or make LC. You can grow right off of grain but you’ll get more bang for ur buck putting it to sub.
Like April 8, 2020
Thank you for the message. Sorry, im new to this, how do i find that group please? Sorry, whats LC and Sub? Newbie.
Like April 8, 2020
LC, liquid culture “my go to” love it. Sub substrate. Find the where the groups are, type in shroomin 2.0 and click the join button.
Like April 8, 2020
Thank you for the help guys. Much appreciated.
Like April 8, 2020