Simulation Theory
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People who say they use drugs to numb their pain either aren't using it right or never did drugs before. ????
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I numbed my pain for 5 years and i knew exactly why and what i was doing
Like April 18, 2020
Cocaine and alchohol did a pretty good job of (temporary) supressing my dark thoughts for many years. It was full on self medication, although i didnt know it at the time. Wasnt till i got diagnosed with depression and anxiety that i realised how and why i was using those substances. Thanks to the... View More
Like April 18, 2020
I smoke ghost pepper extract for the opposite reason. #ghostpepperchallenge
Like April 18, 2020
Just my experience with myself and in my opinion. I thought that since I don't have a brain injury, and I've always been told that it's just a chemical imbalance, that produce the multiple psychological issues most all of us have then I ought to be able to change it without drugs I'm without a doct... View More
Like April 19, 2020