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Male. Lives in Jersey. Born on May 30, 1988. Is single.
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Ive been trying to be more aware of the words I use and what not but I can not help but say HOL-Y-FUCK life is BEAUTIFUL ! Much love ..
14 people like this.
i wish i felt that way about life. enjoy it homie
Like April 25, 2020
(The person I once thought I was) Things like this dont happen to people like me that are from the place I am from, the only reason I was able to gain this (recent) appreciation is cuz I finally suffered enough from the fire burning externally that I had to reignite the flame on the inside, my life,... View More
Like April 25, 2020
Like April 26, 2020
Thats how you know them crystals = pure that fresh rubber smell mmmmmmmmmm
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Kimonos are so dope aaaand i wish i owned one..
Happy holidaze!
Morning beautiful souls ...
If you have not seen Unacknowledged on Netflix with Dr. Steven Greer ummmm you probably should, while on Lsd or without but with realllllly adds to it .... After that, Make... View More

Welp, Id say its about time that I go for a ride on my bike ..., :-)
5 people like this.
Much appreciated! I absolutely had a blast ... must say tho, no matter how amazing the trip is - The fact that the day after and the ones that soon follow, my level of awareness just skyrockets and enables to excel my growth... And that, thats untradeable..
Like April 20, 2020
NASA’s Unexplained Files has a marathon on the SCI channel .. The episode on is NUTS! They were/are really trying to create cyborgs (prob already did) that could survive in space with no issues....but... View More
1 person likes this.
China be like "Fuck the moon we put a cyborg in space bitch"
Like April 19, 2020
This is a real lonng shot but does anyone know of any really good trails in the jersey area? Im trying to journey in the am ...
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@shroomday0017 that is incredibly valuable information.. Holy Grail stuff ! I appreciate it so much.. thank you for that, legit was not aware of that .. Im gonna hop on that asap...
Like April 17, 2020
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