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Male. Lives in Tampa, United States. Is in a relationship.
About Me
Firm believer that existence it’s self is Nature, the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly....
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"Homo sapiens ate our way to a higher consciousness," and, "It was at this time that religious ritual, calendar making, and natural magic came into their own."
Terence McKenna
About to harvest these under water golden teachers, lol
17 people like this.
Go to pet store and buy aquarium fish light tek? Haha just a guess Dboomer
Like October 13, 2019
Is there any specific mushroom strains you guys would like to see grown? Step by step?
Something you dont see everyday, and i may do wild outdoor cv
2 people like this.
There are a lot of complicated suggestions, lol. I would actually like to mess around with some amanita.
Like October 13, 2019
Golden teachers
Like October 13, 2019
Neil Eastwood
I second the morels
Like October 13, 2019
T rex ophora
And big laughing gym. I wanna grow that.
Like October 13, 2019
Another SS01 x Juuls
Grafted on PC
SS01 x Juuls grafted
Consumed by the plants, and a giver of medicine ❤️????????
Little moments of peace
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Beautiful pup #cacti #mesculine
I got over 100 free aloe last night!
12 people like this.
That lawn and garden center is going to be pretty confused in the morning.
Like September 15, 2019
What’s the plan?
Like September 15, 2019
I’m going to clean them up and pot each one in a bag, then sell most.
Like September 15, 2019
Happy graft smile.gif
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