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Male. Lives in Windhoek, Namibia. Born on July 14, 2001. Is single.
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For those who don’t know me I am no one ,for those who don’t like me I am misunderstood,for those wh... View More
Does my grain spawn need a substrate to grow or can i just hydrate they grain spawn ?
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@ALX8721 ermm idk what u mean bud 1f61b.png is it fine just to use verm and grain spawn or not ?
Like November 28, 2019
Verm will work to hold more water , yes. I would probably sterilize the verm if youre going to use it. Coir is cheap too, check your local pet store for some reptile bedding made of coco coir. You can probably find it for similar cost to a bag of verm.
Like November 28, 2019 Edited
I use pop corn seeds i live in a small town in africa namibia i cant find coco coir anywhere ive looked for so long but i found verm
Like November 30, 2019
Ive tried before my agar was healthy i got mycelium and everything but i fucked up with my bulk sub and it got full of bacteria so i chucked it
Like December 3, 2019
Is it possible to mix different spores in a syringe or mix different type of mycelium of different species together to create a hybrim shroom ? O.o
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https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/11631604 it's complicated to unknown to some point.
Like November 3, 2019
Im intrigued
Like November 4, 2019
Mr fimary do you think its worth some testing end experimenting ? Would it cause me any harm if id attempt this and consume sed mushrooms which pin ?
Like November 4, 2019
How long do monotubs usually take to colonize full for yall cause its been a week and theres not much colonization going on in mine like 5 very light white spots is it
Question ive always wondered how do mushrooms grow naturaly in nature if no bacteria should be present in the process 0.o
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Soph2020 Sorry. Asking if there's a way to share a post into a group?
Like October 13, 2019
TheMadHatter321 oh no I knew that. The part I didnt know/consider is about genetic variability.
Like October 13, 2019
Thank you for all the answers guys really appreciate it , opened my knowledge a bit more 1f600.png
Like October 13, 2019
Here are plenty of wild growing magic shrooms - they thrive on cow dung. Artificial mushroom cultivation is generally more prone to infections, that's even a problem for ouster mushrooms. I'm quite shure its possible to cultivate them outdoors.
Like October 24, 2019
Question would rabbit deoppings work as a sub in my tub ?
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Do i put it in a preassure cooker v
Like October 12, 2019
Hmmm could u recomend a video for me ?
Like October 12, 2019
Thank tou so much sir :-)
Like October 12, 2019
Fyi guinea pig poop can also go straight into a garden. It is similar to rabbiti poop that way. No composting necessary.
Like October 13, 2019
Look any good ?
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Like October 10, 2019
Looks like your jar is colonized and ready for substrate.
Like October 10, 2019
Really 0.0 i was gonna wait a couple more days guess i got things to do now 1f600.png
Like October 11, 2019
Waiting is cool too. Patience is rule #1.
Like October 11, 2019
I have a question for yall can i use just vermiculite as my substrate in my monotub because i cant get my hands on coco coir or are there any other type of house hold items i can use as a substrate fo... View More
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And do i need to steralize my substrate for my monotub since my spawn was steralized or can i just put my verm in the tub and put the spawn in and let it colonize ?
Like October 10, 2019
Could i used dog poop as substrate xD xD ??
Like October 10, 2019
Do not use dog poop. If you use poop, use poop of an animal that eats grasses/grains such ad cow/horse. You dont need to sterilize coir, but most other things you do. ... View More
Like October 10, 2019
So i cant just use vermiculite cause i got a whole bag of it ?
Like October 10, 2019
Thought about sharing some of my work maybe it interests someone laughing.gif
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Hahahah xD i dont mind im getting a laugh out of reading this
Like October 9, 2019
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