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Are you feeling it now Mr.krabbs?
Hey everyone, i just purchased 2 bufo alvarius toads, and the proper tanks for them, but im not sure on what to do from here, can anyone link some good resources on proper venom extraction, and safe v... View More
I had a video about how exactly you do it. It showed it in full detail. Though I lost it. Sorry man I know it's a total let-down but hey, what can I do? 1f642.png
Like August 20, 2020
rise-amorph81 im not sure... one more thing to read at 3am when i should be sleeping LOL but sounds like it may he a similar situation
Like August 20, 2020
20 years ago i did it when i was with the missile silo crew after we left Kansas and went to the Bay Area. They had people in Arizona that would harvest it from the toads and release them. I had vaped just DMT before but this was the first time with the 5MEO. No visuals like DMT i felt like i was ge... View More
Like August 20, 2020
Joey Green
Personally, my first thoughts upon receiving them would be much more in line with "How do I properly keep and care for these lifeforms Ive taken upon myself to be responsible for"...... WAY before I started trying to find out how I can extract venom from them. Respect is mandatory concerning that p... View More
Like August 21, 2020
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