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7 people like this.
Yesssss! 1f642.png Homer should careful in the bath tub! Thats how D.M Turner died!
Like November 1, 2019
When you and your favorite person meet in the psychedelic realm ;o)
I would like to share with y'all what my amazing Wife painted when we made homes for some of our wonderful cacti! She did a great job, I really love the scenes she created here. She is so amazingly ta... View More
26 people like this.
Oh thats awesome! 1f642.png
Like October 20, 2019
I would totally start growing some just so I could buy on of these pots. I would buy several and grow many things out of them 1f609.png
Like October 20, 2019
Awe, babe!! Making me blush! They needed a cool place to call home. It turned out pretty good! The aliens were freaking out because the humans were coming, but they needed some cactus specimens for "research" 1f642.png
Like October 20, 2019
That's fun! Looks great!
Like October 22, 2019
posted a trip report.
12 people like this.
Jett Lee
What a weird and beautiful thing LSD. Thank you A.Hoffman.
Like October 16, 2019
My thoughts exactly ALX8721!! I finally took a heroic dose of cubes last night, and when it was over she was asking me about the length of the trip, and realized if it WAS a bad trip it would just be a few hours of peak effects. If she was with me though I think she would be fine.
Like October 25, 2019
Hell yah soccer mom
Like October 28, 2019
I'll add that I had a pretty fun drug phase in my younger days, so I was already pretty experienced with psychedelics and what I was in for. This wasn't my 1st rodeo..not sure if your significant others have done anything before 1f609.png
Like October 28, 2019 Edited
Hey y'all! I just joined and wanted to wish all of you lovely psychonauts a beautiful evening, or day, or in between! If you are adventuring your minds, I wish you fun, safe travels and may you return... View More
11 people like this.
Awesome glad to have ya! #mushlove
Like October 16, 2019
Hi friend!
Like October 28, 2019
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