Yes, Ketamine Addiction Is a Thing. Here’s What You Need to Know.
Ketamine has been growing in popularity in the clinic and on the dance floor—but ketamine addiction is a real risk. Read on at DoubleBlind.
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I got so dosed on k derivative it felt like I stuck my head inside the earth and it was vibrating
December 16, 2021
Nice share and yah k and the hot tub dont mix
December 27, 2021
Trip Advisors: Group Promotes 5-MeO-DMT Harm Reduction By Exposing Shamanic Hustlers
Sharing information to assist others in avoiding notorious bad actors in the community.
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Due to some promoters not wanting the liability of Dancesafe being there, they will not be at Electric Forest.
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See it's always been a crappy drug!
Crystal Meth Origins Link Back to Nazi Germany and World War II
Crystal meth is notorious for being highly addictive and ravaging countless communities. But few know that the drug can be traced back to Nazi Germany, where it first became popular as a way to keep p
MDMA (Molly/Ecstasy) Supplements
Learn which MDMA supplements RollSafe recommends and why, including ALA and ALCAR.
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Fentkit - Bunk Police
Fentanyl Test Strips Single use testing Strips Packaged in a mylar envelope Thorough instructions included Manufactured by BTNX FREE SHIPPING Capable of Detecting Fentanyl — 200 ng/ Carfentanil —
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Here's the context for my gratitude... just a couple of days ago my daughter was saying her friend was using coke at work and randomly. Coke doesn't get anywhere near west Tennessee without being stepped on many times. She's not worried about her friend developing an addiction, she's worried about... View More
Oh thank you for the context, good for you and your daughter looking out for the safety of use....I hope some day to be able to have quantities of testing kits on hand to give to people, to teach people the importants of testing their substance we dont want them dead and in 2021 it's scary to think... View More