Graham Capstick
Self confessed psychedelic digital artist expressing experienced visualisations through verios didgetal means and effects.
Graham Capstick
shared a few photos - Feeling depressed
Some more psychedelic art ideas
6 people like this.
Nice! Keep it up! 1f642.png
Like January 25, 2022
Graham Capstick
Some pieces of digital art I’m working on any comments and advice is welcome
10 people like this.
Did you use ai?
Like December 22, 2021
Bad ass
Like December 22, 2021
This art is so cool .. wish i had it on my wall with my others
Like December 23, 2021
Graham Capstick
Psychedelic digital art
Be the first person to like this.
Friend you have been apart of this Community long enough to know that illegal sourcing of any kind WILL get you banned.....we would like to keep you around. Its real easy to extract and make your own ... View More
Graham Capstick
So funny looks like clundge flaps
9 people like this.
hahaha love this
Like October 23, 2019
Ozric Starshine
Psilocybe Vaginus?
Like October 23, 2019
Vagfungal hepatoise lmao
Like October 23, 2019
not sure its eatable ...ha
Like October 23, 2019
Thank you for the support!
3 people like this.
Graham Capstick
Is more than ok a privillage to find this sight and be a part of it
Like September 5, 2019
Graham Capstick
How cool is this picture reminds me of my first acid trip at a free party in the old school days when the land of Blighty hadn’t been Pigged out of free party’s. time for more psychedelics and more fo... View More
20 people like this.
Glad you like it, I do too.
Like August 27, 2019
Khloe Kensington
Thats awesome!
Like August 28, 2019
That is awsom
Like August 28, 2019
Graham Capstick
Sure dose
Like August 29, 2019
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