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Female. Lives in Eugene, United States. Born on March 19, 1991. Is married.
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Status Update

Today I got a job.
The pay is the most I have ever made.
The job is not something I LOVE to do.
The schedule is NOT what what i was hoping.
I feel ungreatful for not being happy.
I need lots of postivit... View More

11 people like this.
Seriuosly you all are the best! I needed all of this! Def starting my mind off diffrent today <3
Like January 9, 2020
Great, we always have at least two choices, change your situation or change your mind. The trouble with the first option is you take your baggage with you.
Like January 9, 2020
The job you have now will be a stepping stone towards the job you can love and enjoy . What's to say you have to be grateful for the opportunity they should be grateful for having you on the team
Like January 9, 2020
Monwy is not everything and it will buy you happines the same way a brick a house does not make but if you put enough together you will have shelter if you make a nice enough shelters others will join and then you now have a home you see money cant buy happiness but it can build a.life that brings ... View More
Like January 16, 2020