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Just went to throw some rubbish out in the local skip bin and found some treasure
I think this guy would fit in well here
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Like December 3, 2019
hello hi hows it going? does anybody know of any research chemicals that are leagal in australia? also heres a picture i took to make this post more interesting
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Aussie here - there are none to my knowledge. I’d be interested in hearing any update info of you find it
Like November 7, 2019
Whats the go with golden torch? Is it psycoactive? Just found about 100 of em and it sure would be nice if they were.
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Anybody know of any good lesser known hallucinogenics? Im always looking for new unique things to try. I dont have much expirence in hallucinogens. And for some reason i always like to start with the ... View More
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Thanks ive never heard of 2c-b before. Ill have to look in to that.my only expirience with lsa is from hbwr. It was...interesting. no visuals. But i had some pretty extreame dissociation. It wasent bad per say but i wouldnt say i enjoyed it. I imagine pure lsa would be different though
Like September 8, 2019
Voiceofthem, agreed. Fun stuff!
Like September 8, 2019
Neil Eastwood
I enjoyed 4 aco-met quite a bit. There's a whole world of tryptamines still legally available, you can purchase online. I'm thinking of trying 4 ho-met or 1p-lsd next.
Like September 8, 2019
Does anybody have any experience with syrian rue? If so what was it like?
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Taken on its own i mean. Sorry i should have said that
Like September 6, 2019
Just took 3g a few hours ago. It gives a nice warm dreamy feeling. It helps with inflammation, hence why I'm taking it. I'm going to take another 3g on Sunday before my NN DMT, changa not changa, lol.
Like September 6, 2019
Unikitty Stardust
How long do you take the syrian rue before the nn dmt? And are you orally activating the dmt that way or smoking/vaping the dmt with the syrian rue together?
Like September 6, 2019
Had a great night last night. Still feeling great. Just felt like spreading the good vibes. And saying i love you, whoever you are. And i hope you have an amazing day or night. Whatever it is were you... View More
Hi guys how is everyone doing? I was wondering if anyone knows of a good simple and idot proof way to grow mushrooms. On a budget
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Check out the groups
Like August 30, 2019
Join shroomin. I have done setup and ran with a lot of Myco Madness teks. His grain tek of the chain. Using his agar in individual jars. Just in bulk used Damion5050 tek, only cause have one PC for shrooms. Join the groups, make friends, and just ask. The beautiful people here help, love this commun... View More
Like August 30, 2019
Hi guys. I have a quick question for my fellow australians. I have really been wanting to try salvia latley. But its illegal and ive never heard anyone talk about it. Is it really that uncommen? You w... View More
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