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by on April 4, 2021
I had a surgery last week. I got to chat with the anesthesiologist while the operating table before he administred general anesthesia. He listed many of the contents in it for me, and I said, "Nothing dissociative?" He said, "You want ketamine?" I nodded. He asked, "Have you been sad?" I nodded and said I'm good to go for ketamine, so he told his assistant to add 25 mg Ketamine to my general anesthesia cocktail.  I don't remember tripping. I don't think I would have at such a low dose. My surgeo...
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by on January 30, 2021
What's it like to microdose? It's mostly physically imperceptible, and if you physically feel it, lower the dose. You know it's working because your thoughts, preferences, and attitude changes. Here's a good example: ...
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by on July 26, 2020
Not much to report. Used tea Tek for 4 G dried GTs on Thursday, July 23, 2020. My trip was weakened by splitting doses and vomiting (hence the split doses). Still, it was good in that I got to cry a lot of cathartic cries. My tea doesn't turn blue. Why?
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by on July 14, 2020
Background: My last trip was the night that Trump made the big announcement about the COVID-19 pandemic and the USA - so it was March 12th-ish. At any rate, my environment changed majorly as a result, mostly through giving me no alone time until July 6. Though one day sometime in May I was able to take a gram of dried just to keep new neural connections alive or continuing to form, I wasn't able to trip again until Wednesday, July 7, 2020.  It was early in the morning, between 7:00 - 8:00 AM...
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by on April 3, 2020
Amount:  7.5 G of dried mushrooms (variety of cubes: GT, B+, Tropical and Mexican varieties). Method: lemon tek (20 minutes) followed by tea tek (steeped 40 minutes, stirring occasionally). Added natural local honey for taste. ...
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by on January 23, 2020
I decided to up my microdose to 0.25 g (up from 0.10 g). Plus, because I'm so wild and crazy (LOLOLOLOL) I decided to get the most out of my updose by letting my shroom portion sit in lemon juice for 30 minutes. That was 3.5 hours ago. Now, as I write this, I'm giddy, a little shakey, nauseous, yawning, and deffo a little buzzed from this tiny dose. Overall, I'm elated, hopeful, and I love you all. No extra visuals and my taste buds are turned off by any processed food (something the last big tr...
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by on January 1, 2020
I powdered 6G of dried shrooms and let it sit in lemon, lime, and orange juice for about 30 minutes before I took it. Around 10 minutes after I drank it, I noticed some physical effects, mostly tingling fingers. About 30 minutes in I was tripping and it peaked at around 1.5 hours for the next 5-6 up and down. The first peak was the strongest. I had about 7 peaks, all coming in waves. I got to "travel" to some other dimension that I don't think I've been to before. I met God or some God-like enti...
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by on December 9, 2019
I tripped for a second time last night. The first time was a few weeks ago and I got super hungover. I thought it was because I didn't hydrate enough. This time I made sure to properly hydrate before, during, after, etc. I woke up feeling hung over, but confident in the universe. Anyone else get these hangovers?
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by on November 7, 2019
Tried close to 10g mostly GT fresh yesterday, with some B+ pins. I got a lot of housework done without feeling overwhelmed like I typically do. I also got to stretch a little, meditate, and mind travel. It helped get me to the core of some issues in my life. I can feel how it's changing the way i think, unraveling knotted thoughts, slowly but steadily showing me the way, much better thought clarity... There's room being made for love to grow.
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by on November 6, 2019
I just took 2.48 g of Albino A+ (wet/fresh) about 50 minutes ago. As I write this, I realise they weren't really Albino like the syringe containing the LC said. They had a distinct golden color and looked similar to B+. I notice my surroundings more and appreciate it and I'm sensitive to external negativity but still susceptible to my own negative internal dialog. Still, I don't feel this coming on strong so tomorrow I might try again in the morning but double the dose. Wish me a good ride. Mus...
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by on October 22, 2019
Took 0.80 g of fresh (not dried) pins 2 hours ago. I know it's a microdose and I'm not supposed to notice a change, or rather the change is imperceptible. So here I am, still the same. In more detail, I feel hungry with a runny nose, congestion, and a little sleepy.
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by on October 7, 2019
My third time trying Amanita Muscaria. The first 2 times I sucked on dry bits in my mouth. I felt nothing but the next day I woke up feeling more energetic than usual. I tried some again for my third experience, but with a different method, thanks to the advice I got from DMT World members (thank you!) I grinded 8 dried grams into a powder and added it to 190°F 1¼ cup of water for 40 minutes, stirring often. Ended up with ½ cup after evaporation. I let it sit to cool for another 20 minutes an...
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